Psychic Consult/ Energy Healing
Distance session: 60 minutes by phone: $110
Quick call question/check-in: 20 minutes by phone: $40
(Quick calls are available for established clients whom have already had a full session with me.)
Office session: 75 minutes in person: $200
Guided Meditation
*individual or small group session*
30 minutes/ $50
45 minutes/ $80
60 minutes/ $110
5 sessions/ take $5 off per session
10 sessions/ take $10 off per session
End of Life Transition Care
For clients:
In person biodynamic and massage session: $200
Distance healing biodynamic session: $110
For family:
In office support/coaching/healing session: $200
Distance support/coaching/healing session: $110
Payment information:
Venmo payments: @Jahnna-Edelman
Paypal payments: PayPal.Me/jahnnaedelman
A session reminder will be sent to you 1 day prior to your scheduled appointment. Payment is due prior to our session start.